Module rama::http::layer::timeout

Expand description

Middleware that applies a timeout to requests.

If the request does not complete within the specified timeout it will be aborted and a 408 Request Timeout response will be sent.

§Differences from rama_core::service::layer::Timeout

The generic Timeout middleware uses an error to signal timeout, i.e. it changes the error type to BoxError. For HTTP services that is rarely what you want as returning errors will terminate the connection without sending a response.

This middleware won’t change the error type and instead return a 408 Request Timeout response. That means if your service’s error type is Infallible it will still be Infallible after applying this middleware.


use std::{convert::Infallible, time::Duration};

use rama_core::Layer;
use rama_core::service::service_fn;
use rama_http::{Body, Request, Response};
use rama_http::layer::timeout::TimeoutLayer;
use rama_core::error::BoxError;

async fn handle(_: Request) -> Result<Response, Infallible> {
    // ...

let svc = (
    // Timeout requests after 30 seconds


  • Middleware which apply a timeout to requests.
  • Layer that applies the Timeout middleware which apply a timeout to requests.