⌨️ rama
The rama
binary allows you to use a lot of what rama
has to offer without
having to code yourself. It comes with a working http client for CLI, which emulates
User-Agents and has other utilities. And it also comes with IP/Echo services.
It also allows you to run a rama
proxy, configured to your needs.
rama cli to move and transform network packets
Usage: rama <COMMAND>
http rama http client
proxy rama proxy server
echo rama echo service (echos the http request and tls client config)
ip rama ip service (returns the ip address of the client)
fp rama fp service (used for FP collection in purpose of UA emulation)
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
The easiest way to install rama
is by using cargo
cargo install rama-cli@0.2.0-alpha.6
This will install rama-cli
from source and make it available
under your cargo bin folder as rama
. In case you want to install
a pre-built binary when available for your platform you can do so
using cargo binstall
cargo binstall rama-cli@0.2.0-alpha.6
On 🍎 MacOS you can also install the rama
binary using HomeBrew:
brew install plabayo/rama/rama
Contributions to the homebrew distributions can be made via https://github.com/plabayo/homebrew-rama.
You can also install it from curl
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plabayo/rama/main/rama-cli/scripts/install.sh | bash
or wget
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plabayo/rama/main/rama-cli/scripts/install.sh | bash
The rama
"cli" is also available as a docker image:
docker pull glendc/rama:latest
docker run --rm glendc/rama:latest http example.com