🔭 Telemetry

One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.

Grace Hopper.

Tracing is a technique used in software development to understand how a system is performing and where issues might be occurring. It involves tracking the flow of requests as they move through a system, and collecting data about each step along the way. This data is then used to create a detailed picture of how the system is behaving, and can help developers identify performance bottlenecks or other issues.

To implement tracing, developers use a technique called "spans". A span is a unit of work in a system, such as a function call or a network request. Each span is given a unique identifier and is linked to other spans that are related to it. This allows developers to follow the flow of requests through a system and understand how they are being processed.

Tracing is closely related to logging, which is another technique used in software development to capture information about system behavior. However, while logging provides a record of events that have occurred in a system, tracing provides a more detailed view of how those events are related to each other and how they are affecting system performance.

Tracing is an important part of the overall telemetry story, which involves collecting data about a system's behavior and using that data to improve its performance. Metrics are another important part of telemetry, and involve collecting numerical data about system performance, such as response times or error rates.


Prometheus is a popular open-source tool for collecting and storing metrics data. It provides a powerful query language for analyzing metrics, and can be used to generate alerts when certain conditions are met. OpenTelemetry is another open-source project that provides a standard way of collecting telemetry data from different types of systems and applications. It provides standards and specifications on how to structure, name and format telemetry data. Today it is the standard and also the one Rama follows.

Tools like Jaeger are used to visualize and analyze tracing data. Jaeger provides a user interface for exploring spans and understanding how they are related to each other. It can also be used to generate reports and identify patterns in system behavior. Overall, tracing is an important technique for understanding how a system is performing and can help developers identify and fix issues before they become major problems.

Rama Telemetry

Rama re-exports OpenTelemetry crates under the rama::opentelemtry module, and provides middlewares for collecting metrics on:

Rama does not provide specific exporters or consumers of these metrics. Instead — similar to tracing — you'll have to add your own dependency for it.

We recommend you to use https://crates.io/crates/opentelemetry-otlp as it plays nicely with the openetelemetry dependencies used by Rama as well as popular ingestion tools such as Prometheus.

Rama Telemetry Example

Source Code: /examples/http_telemetry.rs

In this example you can see a web service which keeps track of a visitor counter as a custom opentelemetry counter metric. It also makes use of the rama provided RequestMetricsLayer and NetworkMetricsLayer layers to also some insights in the traffic both on the network- and application (http) layers. These metrics are exported using the https://crates.io/crates/opentelemetry-otlp dependency.

With that example setup you can use a tool like Grafana or Prometheus to make a dashboard with your own charts.