πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ Distortion proxies

artistical representation of rama distort proxy as llama desguised as human in badly masked environment
Distorting proxy refers to a type of proxy server that masks the client’s IP address by modifying the HTTP headers and presents a fake IP address to the target server. It is often used to enhance privacy, add a layer of anonymity, and limit the ability to monitor the user’s browsing activity.

β€” NordVPN

There are currently no examples found in the /examples dir on how to create such a proxy using rama. If you are interested in contributing this you can create an issue at https://github.com/plabayo/rama/issues and we'll help you to get this shipped.


%3clientclientproxy (rama)proxy (rama)client->proxy (rama)server Aserver Aproxy (rama)->server Aupstream proxyupstream proxyproxy (rama)->upstream proxyserver Bserver Bupstream proxy->server B

The Http/Tls content, version, config and flow can be adapted by the distortion proxy, often in function of a specific web client it wishes to emulate. The IP Address can be changed by the use of an upstream proxy.

The goal of all this us to ensure you're requests are not being fingerprinted either as a collective or in order to connect you to a technology stack or origin seen as malicious.