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🦙 Rama (ラマ) is a modular service framework for the 🦀 Rust language to move and transform your network packets. The reasons behind the creation of rama can be read in the "Why Rama" chapter.

Rama is async-first using Tokio as its only Async Runtime. Please refer to the examples found in the /examples dir to get inspired on how you can use it for your purposes.

The primary focus of Rama is to aid you in your development of proxies:

The Distortion proxies support comes with User-Agent (UA) emulation capabilities. The emulations are made possible by patterns and data extracted using rama-fp. The service is publicly exposed at https://fp.ramaproxy.org, made possible by our sponsor host https://fly.io/.

🔁 https://echo.ramaproxy.org/ is another service publicly exposed. In contrast to the Fingerprinting Service it is aimed at developers and allows you to send any http request you wish in order to get an insight on the Tls Info and Http Request Info the server receives from you when making that request.

curl -XPOST 'https://echo.ramaproxy.org/foo?bar=baz' \
  -H 'x-magic: 42' --data 'whatever forever'

Feel free to make use of while crafting distorted http requests, but please do so with moderation. In case you have ideas on how to improve the service, please let us know by opening an issue.

BrowserStack sponsors Rama by providing automated cross-platform browser testing on real devices, which uses the public fingerprinting service to aid in automated fingerprint collection on both the Http and Tls layers. By design we do not consider Tcp and Udp fingerprinting.

Next to proxies, Rama can also be used to develop Web Services and Http Clients.

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Please consult the official docs.rs documentation or explore the examples found in the /examples dir to know how to use rama for your purposes.

💡 You can find the edge docs of the rama framework code at https://ramaproxy.org/docs/rama/index.html, which contains the documentation for the main branch of the project.

🤝 Enterprise support, software customisations, integrations, professional support, consultancy and training are available upon request by sending an email to glen@plabayo.tech.

💖 Please consider becoming a regular sponsor if you critically depend upon Rama (ラマ) or if you are a fan of the project.