pub const DB_CLIENT_OPERATION_DURATION: &'static str;
Expand description


Duration of database client operations.

Batch operations SHOULD be recorded as a single operation.




crate::attribute::DB_COLLECTION_NAMEConditionally required: If readily available. The collection name MAY be parsed from the query text, in which case it SHOULD be the first collection name in the query.
crate::attribute::DB_NAMESPACEConditionally required: If available.
crate::attribute::DB_OPERATION_NAMEConditionally required: If readily available. The operation name MAY be parsed from the query text, in which case it SHOULD be the first operation name found in the query.
crate::attribute::ERROR_TYPEConditionally required: If and only if the operation failed.
crate::attribute::SERVER_PORTConditionally required: If using a port other than the default port for this DBMS and if server.address is set.
crate::attribute::NETWORK_PEER_ADDRESSRecommended: If applicable for this database system.
crate::attribute::NETWORK_PEER_PORTRecommended: If and only if network.peer.address is set.